"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe." ~ John Muir

24 April 2007

April 24, 2007

Ladies and Germs, today I bring you "Jay" and "Jeff," the father and son electrical wizards. Yessiree, these guys have it ALL over Latka! The culprit: this switch (who knew?). Once again, power is flowing to all the appropriate outlets, and my checkbook was not unduly overburdened (Amen!).

You know, that makes three father-and-son contractor teams I've had out to the house in the past two weeks, and it is SO great to see them working together. Seriously. How fantastic to see the son following in Dad's footsteps (up the ladder, hauling the bricks, schlepping the bucket of paint...). Warms the cockles (what the heck IS a cockle!?), of my heart.