"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe." ~ John Muir

03 April 2007

April 3, 2007

This WAS going to be my picture of the day: Allen (slacker!), sitting with his feet up talking to Bonnie (Hi Bonnie!), on the phone. But subsequent events changed all that. (See below.)

First some history: Last year, Steve and I were working on a project that required us to drive a little ways up Whitewater Creek to collect some samples. Water was running a bit, and it looked kind of dicey. I was driving and wondered aloud if I could make the turn. Steve said something to the effect of, "just stomp on it," which I did, and, well, I got stuck. Real stuck. The traction mats disappeared in the creek, never to be seen again, and the water wagon had to come and pull us out.

S0, this afternoon, Allen and I get back to the trailer after a sampling round, and John tells us that Steve has called on his cell, and he is stuck in Whitewater Creek: Guess where? Yup. Same place. (Note butte in the background.)

This time, a couple of swell fellas with a tow strap and a mighty pick-up truck hauled Steve out of the creek. After attaining terra firma, Steve, Allen, and I hoofed it up Whitewater Creek to recover four marine batteries (the original objective). Those batteries weigh a ton! The photo below of Steve and Allen is to illustrate that Allen really isn't a slacker after all. Mission accomplished!