"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe." ~ John Muir

01 December 2007

December 1, 2007

Well, I'm heading into the "home stretch" on the ol' Photo Project. Yeah, I know I haven't managed a photo EVERY day, but there were many days when I included more than one, so I'm calling it good.

My rain gauge registered 1.5 inches of rain when I checked it this morning. That is amazing! (And very much needed.) Everything is so fresh outside, today. I went out to take a couple of photos and then thought it would be fun to do a "past" and "present" comparison. Steve and I will have been in our house ten years in February, so I have included the photos from the original appraisal to compare with the photos I took today. There is a lot more vegetation!

Then - February, 1998

Now (the pine tree is new)

Then - February, 1998

Now (it's a jungle!)