"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe." ~ John Muir
30 December 2007
December 30, 2007
I love home-made gifts. Not only do I end up with something cool but I get the thought and energy that is transferred directly into the making of something for ME.
My Mom made the sunflower pillows. I love sunflowers and kind of have a "theme" going in our bedroom. I think these are beautiful. Mom also made a miniature patchwork quilt for 'Clem.
Dad made this totally cool clock out of a saw blade. We really needed a clock in the living room because we recently swapped out our VCR and the new unit does not have a clock - at least not one that you can see when the unit is ON. My Dad's clock works beautifully right over the arch.
Amy made us a big jar of cookies! Amy will tell you (and I won't disagree), that she makes the best chocolate chip cookies! And I got some! The cookies were delivered in the large jar with the black lid which now does duty as 'Clem's cat food storage unit.