Truth be told, I'm amazed I've made it this far with regards to my photo project. No. It's not every day. And it's probably not going to be every day from here on out. Sometimes it's fun but sometimes it's like a monkey on my back. Isn't that strange. I really don't like feeling like I must do something - Even if that must is self-imposed.
But, here is today's photograph. My neighbors recently cut down the two citrus trees in front of their home. I'm always sad to see a tree die. I don't know what the life-expectancy of an orange tree is, but the trees in front of our homes have probably been there since the 1940's. I'm nursing ours along. I prune and fertilize them and have started - don't laugh too hard - to hug them. I mean, you never know, right?
Well, subsequent to being chopped down, the stumps had to be ground. The good people that came to grind the stumps sprayed wood chips all over the fucking place - including my driveway (which is what you see below). I even had chips land on my front porch. That's fine, except they didn't clean them up. Nope. Just drove off and left it there. That kind of shit really pisses me off. I don't like others making more work for me - I've got enough of my own, thank you very much.
So, off I go with my broom and dustpan and before you know it, I'm doing a regular clean up in the front yard and enjoying it! I really like working in the yard. So in hindsight, the slobs did me a favor by getting me up and out the door.